RAM Structural System

Special Price USD 4,175.00
In stock
Taxes not included. Purchase includes 2 Keys

Keys are credits that can be redeemed for expert services and tailored training. Keys do not represent number of licenses.

Structural design software for buildings

  • Perform various building structure analysis
  • Design lateral resisting frames
  • Analyze and design tilt-up concrete buildings
  • Comply with seismic requirements
  • Produce comprehensive deliverables and reports

About this software subscription: This Virtuoso Subscription includes a 12-month practitioner license of this software, that comes with Keys (credits) to unlock training and services.

A complete solution to deliver concrete and steel-framed building systems

Save time by automating tasks that are tedious, repetitive, and time-consuming. RAM Structural System provides everything an engineer needs to deliver on concrete and steel-framed building systems subject to lateral, dynamic, and gravity loads.

Perform analysis and design

Perform analysis on just about any building structural configuration including flat concrete slabs, slab and beam systems, composite steel-framed floors, shear walls, moment frames, braced frames, isolated footings, strip footings, mat foundations, or any combination of these systems.

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Analysis and Design Features
  • Static and dynamic analysis of buildings with moment frames, braced frames, shear walls and/or any combination of these systems
  • Members with any material types, including steel, concrete, or user-defined materials
  • Automated mesh generation for walls and diaphragms
  • Analysis with tension-only members
  • AISC 360 Direct Analysis Method option
  • P-delta analysis option
  • Foundation springs
  • Rigid, semirigid, and flexible diaphragms
  • Construction sequence analysis
  • Concrete creep and shrinkage analysis
  • Automatic generation of steel and concrete design load combinations per specified code
  • Automatic calculation of K-factors (effective length factors) and unbraced lengths, with user override capability
  • Drift Control provides a functionality to study and control the drift behavior of buildings
Static Load Generation
  • Gravity loads distributed and applied to structural model in RAM Frame
  • Live load reduction factors automatically calculated
  • Automatic calculation of member self-weights for beams, columns, walls, slabs, and decks
  • Automatic generation of wind story forces per IS875, IBC, ASCE 7, UBC, BOCA, SBC, BS 6399, NBC of Canada, AS/ NZS 1170.2, China GB 50011, and Eurocode
  • Automatic generation of seismic story forces per IS1893, IBC, ASCE 7, UBC, BOCA, SBC, NBC of Canada, AS/NZS 1170.2, China GB 50011, and Eurocode
  • Automatic calculation of notional loads based on dead, live, roof, and snow loads on diaphragms and on members, per IS800, AISC 360, BS 5950, BS 8110, CAN/CSA S16, AS 4100 or user-defined notional load cases
Dynamic Analysis
  • Automatic calculation of structural mass properties (story mass, center of mass, and mass moment of inertia)
  • Optional inclusion of effects of the offset of center of mass to account for accidental torsion moments
  • Response Spectra analysis, with option for SRSS or CQC combination of modal results with signs, and option to consider eccentricity of story masses
Reports, Outputs, and Graphical Features

Produce design documentation and detailed reports
Model quickly and accurately with customizable features and conform to your company standards. Customize toolbars, model views, display options, and unit systems and easily create templates so it’s easier to replicate on your everyday design structures and save time on every project.

  • Animated deflected shapes
  • Calculation of story drifts at any point in the structure
  • Automatically generates CAD DXF export of frame and wall elevations
  • Analysis and design results displayed graphically or in text format with ability to export
  • Comprehensive material takeoff, including piece count and steel tonnage allowing for comparison of various design schemes
Steel Standard Design
  • Member and joint design checks based on IS800, AISC 360 LRFD and ASD, AISC 9th ASD, AISC 3rd LRFD, BS 5950, CAN/CSA S16, AS 4100, and Eurocode
  • Designs column web plates (doublers) and stiffeners (continuity plates) for wind and low seismic applications
  • Automatically calculates effective length factors, flange bracing, and unbraced lengths
  • Full interactive control for review and design refinement
Steel Seismic Design

Comply with seismic requirements
Design and detail seismic force-resisting systems, generating seismic loads according to the relevant building code.

  • Performs additional special seismic code design and detailing checks for members and joints, based on AISC 341 ASD and LRFD, AISC 358 and 2002 LRFD, UBC 1997 LRFD and ASD, and FEMA 350
  • Automatically generates seismic load combinations
  • Supports all concentric braced frame, eccentric braced frame, and moment frame structural systems
  • Considers reduced beam sections (dogbone) where applicable in moment-frame joint checks
  • Analyzes and designs Star Seismic and CoreBrace Buckling Restrained Braces, and SidePlate and DuraFuse Moment Frame connections
  • Supports all seismic zones for each seismic code
Shear Wall

Automatically optimize drift and shear-wall design force calculations
With integrated post-processing modules for drift and shear wall force, RAM Structural System helps engineers easily optimize designs. The Drift module graphically identifies members that have the most significant contribution to structure drift, so it’s easy to optimize member sizes to control drift. The Shear Wall Force post-processor provides design forces where needed, through piers, between wall openings, or between levels.

  • Provides detailed analysis results for shears, moments, and axial forces in shear walls
  • Allows the engineer to define vertical and horizontal section. Cuts through any cross-section on any wall
  • Cross-section forces reported either per load case or per load combination

Intel or AMD processor 2.0 GHz or greater

Operating System

Windows 10 and higher x 64 RAM 2 GB minimum recommended

Hard Disk

675 MB free disk space for installation
2 GB available for analyzing models


OpenGL compatibility recommended


Stay nimble and lower costs

We have bundled a 12-month license for trusted Bentley software with customizable training from experts and call it our Virtuoso Subscription. With lower upfront costs and flexible support options, businesses of all sizes can now compete with the industry's heavy hitters.


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