gINT Learning Path

We make it easy to get started with gINT and beat the learning curve. This page outlines the gINT learning path and other learning resources, so it is easy to find all relevant learning resources to help you on your gINT implementation journey. 

Learning Path for New gINT Users

Every Virtuoso Subscription you purchase includes your software and training credits, called “Keys,” that can be redeemed for training or services. Virtuosity users can take advantage of the following trainings by redeeming the keys that came with their purchase. The number of keys that come with your purchase depends on which version of gINT you purchased (gINT Logs, gINT Professional or gINT Professional Plus). Each Key is almost equivalent to ~2 hrs of expert service or training.

Additional Resources for New gINT Users

gINT has additional resources for all new and experienced gINT users. Resources listed below do not require Keys as the training above. However, you may have to register or create an account to access content.

  • Additional Training: The following includes documents with background and step-by-step instruction.
    • Quickstart with gINT
      A compact and concise gINT training with a focus on what to expect during installation of gINT, items you encounter the first time you start gINT after installing, and how to enter company information for use on reports
    • Bentley gINT Tutorials
      A compilation of PDFs covering topics including navigating the gINT interface; how to enter data; and creating or modifying logs, fences, and symbols.
  • Other Learning Resources: The following resources include some tutorials, but also includes less formal instruction sources such as videos and webinars.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I assign Practitioner Licenses?

What are the system requirements for gINT?

What are Keys?

Think of “Keys” as training credits or credits towards expert services. Every Virtuoso Subscription you purchase includes your software and “Keys” that can be redeemed for training or services options of your choice. Learn more.

Can you tell me more about Expert Services and how I can get them?

Dedicated Product Success Managers are available to help you throughout your project lifecycle. For live training, project support, or on-demand training, you can contact your Product Success Manager or reach out through live chat or contact us here.

What should I do if I need help?

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